Preparing Your Hearts for Speakers and Worship

Pray, seek, then stop and listen to the Lord. This is an easy and effective first step. Every action step you take after this will fall in line. Prayer changes the posture of your heart. It’s not something to be taken lightly! A few suggested prayer points: Prayer for the speakers and worship leaders. Pray that their words would be God’s words. Pray their gifts would be used for His glory. Pray lives would be changed!

So, you’ve prayed, now what? Let’s look at a few other easy ways to prepare your heart for the event. 


  • Google search your speaker’s name, watch videos of them on YouTube, get a feel for their styles, mannerisms, and speaking tendencies. 

  • Watch all scriptures on ASL Bible, the app is free on your phone.

  • While it isn’t likely, if we get notes from speakers, you’ll be the first to know!

Worship Artists

  • Let yourself worship as you prepare by making a Spotify list, listening to the songs in the same order as the setlist.

  • Within each song notice any major changes in the volume, rhythm, or pauses---do your best to match the unique moments in the song.

  • Print lyrics, then write in gloss.

  • Practice. Video yourself and get feedback from yourself and/or others.

“I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, 

to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, 

which is your spiritual worship.”

Romans 12:1