We want professional and passionate interpreters. Join our team!

Purpose/Cause/Passion: We provide excellent ASL interpreters who love Jesus for events, music, and media that equip Deaf people for life and ministry.

Our Niche: Developing Jesus-loving interpreters to provide access for Deaf communities within Christian events, music, and media.

Sonshine School Group Mentorships

Sonshine Interpreting highly values the training and discipleship of Christian Interpreters SO THAT we provide excellent interpreting that equips Deaf people for life and ministry. In 2024 we created our 10 year vision. By 2035, Sonshine Interpreting will foster a network of 1,000 Jesus-loving interpreters equipped with professional development and mentorship opportunities. To reach our goal, we started offering 4 types of virtual development under “Sonshine School”.

For Interpreters/DIs

  • Workshops

  • Mentoring

  • Community of Practice

For the hearing audience

  • Lunch and Learns

To register for mentoring, please fill out the application below. We will get back to you in 5-7 business days. We will add you to a waiting list once a training is full. We appreciate your patience in this process. Each mentor track has CEUs available, costs $150 and lasts 6 weeks. Attendance is expected each meeting and homework will be given and checked. We look forward to working with you! We love our Sonshiners!

Quarter 1

  • January - March

Quarter 2

  • April - June

Quarter 3

  • July - September

Quarter 4:

  • October - December

Quarter 2 Registration NOW OPEN

Quarter 2

Quarter 2:

April - June

Registration opens:


Registration closes:


Bible Translation & International Deaf Settings

Rebecca Meier

Track Description:

This track will largely be a place to practice necessary IS skill sets such as: Dropping form, using classifiers, space, and increased affect to ensure your interpretation can be understood by an audience with no English base. These are the greatest steps we can take toward becoming clearer IS interpreters!

Meets Via Zoom

  • Tuesdays

  • 4/8, 4/22, 5/6

  • 8-9pm CST


Rebecca is a certified interpreter serving as the staff interpreter at DOOR International. Through her work with DOOR, she's had the opportunity to delve into Bible Translation interpreting in international settings.

Deaf Children & Hearing Families

Marvella Sellers

Track Description:

This track will cover the foundational Biblical-centered model that will enrich BOTH Deaf children and their hearing families, including parents and siblings, within church contexts. This track will explore the unique role of a DI/hearing interpreter to achieve equal partnership and glorify Christ in church or community settings.


  • Via Zoom

  • Wednesdays

  • 4/9, 4/23, 5/7

  • 6:30-7:30pm CST


A known trainer for interpreters, employed as a DI and in ProTactile/SSP fields, currently a seminary student and a Christian Deaf leader who are familiar with transliteration strategies combined with a longtime spiritual background.  In-depth knowledge in ASL/Bilingual development assessments and assisting Deaf/HH leaders within Christian contexts, from professional to inter-personal and intra- skills. An extensive background of development of learning strategies applicable for all ages, long-time Deaf Christian and leader, a deaconess of GIDM, specializing in 1:1/small group lead instructor/missionary and Bible teacher.

Special Services

Chris Beasterfeld

Track Description:

This track will cover interpreting difficult concepts related to the Lord’s Supper, baptisms, weddings, funerals, and more. This track includes a 1:1 meeting to discuss and evaluate individual needs. Please note this track is from a Protestant perspective.


  • Via Zoom

  • Thursdays

  • 3/27, 4/10, 4/24, 5/8

  • 6-7:30pm CST


Chris has worked in educational, religious, medical, mental health, and video relay interpreting across the U.S. She previously led a small Deaf ministry in her local church for ten years.

Advanced Voicing & English Practice

Hannah Riedel

Track Description:

This track will focus on advanced voicing practices for those who want to improve their English skills. Hannah will instruct on how to use D-C schema to sharpen processing as well as teach a honed in understanding of how to monitor your pace, word choice, and overall influence of the message.


  • Via Zoom

  • Wednesdays

  • 4/9, 4/23, 5/7

  • 6:30-8pm CST


Hannah is a mentor, coach, business owner, momma, and accessibility advocate. She has been interpreting for 14+ years and currently lives and works in California advocating for the ASL Interpreting community.

The VRI Experience

Michelle Chamberlain

Track Description:

Take a look into the basics of VRI (Video Remote Interpreting) work and learn how to craft your work into the best it can be!


  • Via Zoom

  • Fridays

  • 4/11, 4/25, 5/9

  • 9am-10am CST


Michelle is currently working as an interpreter while also educating her five young children from home. Some of her other favorite activities are dancing, worshiping Jesus, and being a life-long learner.

Quarter 3

Quarter 3:

July - September

Registration opens:


Registration closes:


Topics will include

  • International Sign

  • Apostles Creed

  • Worship/Voicing/ Sermon

  • High Level Voicing

  • DI/HI Teams

  • HI/HI Teams

Quarter 4

Quarter 4:

October - December

Registration opens:


Registration closes:


Topics will include

  • Bible Translation

  • Mentorship

  • Voicing

  • and more