The Art of Feedback

The Art of Feedback

The work of American Sign Language interpreters is challenging and as interpreters we must consistently grow in our knowledge and skills. Furthermore, foundational concepts that influence the quality of our interpreting are conceptual accuracy, semantic intent, and ongoing language acquisition/development. Collaborating with our colleagues affords us the opportunity to improve our skills, yet we are often protective and sensitive to the feedback offered regarding our work. Thus, mastering the skill of offering depersonalized feedback is critical for trust-building, fostering support, and open communication. Our choice of words can encourage or discourage interpreters, therefore utilizing specific terms and phrases enable feedback to be received more positively. Often it is not what we say, but how we say things that unintentionally causes discomfort among working professionals. Participants will be provided an opportunity to interpret (English to ASL) then practice offering impartial depersonalized feedback using terminology introduced during the training. The adoption of such skills creates an environment of positive regard which fosters goodwill within the interpreting community.

.2 PS CEUs

March 3 @ 6:30-8:30 CST


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Archived Workshops

[Most] archived workshops are $30 for CEUs and $20 for non-CEUs.

Interpretek and Sign Language Studios, LLC are approved RID Sponsors for Continuing Education Activities. Refunds are not available. Sonshine interpreting promotes an environment of mutual respect, free of discrimination based on gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, or any other protected class. If you need reasonable accommodations contact

Presented by Rebecca Meier & Samantha Roe

.2 PS CEUs

Activity Code: 0024122517

$35 CEUs or $25 non-CEUs

Learn about the organizations involved in Bible translation 

Be able to articulate the roles of interpreters in Bible translation spaces

explain why there is an exponentially growing demand for interpreters.

Identify how their gifts can support the work God is doing. 

Presented by Bill Ross

.4 PS CEUs

Activity Code: 0024122519                    

$55 CEUs or $45 non-CEU

Mentoring has been identified as one of the most constructive tools utilized to shape the interpreting community. This workshop focuses on the various roles and duties of the individuals involved in mentoiring relationships. The Socratic Approach to mentoring will be introduced and clarified.

Given in English, Interpreted in ASL

Presented by William Ross

.2 PS CEUs

Activity Code: 24122501

Each participant will consider ways to guide their individual decision-making process. It is important to recognize that our personal beliefs and values do make a difference when we encounter ethical dilemmas. We will recognize what it means to hold a sacred trust as professionals and how we maintain that trust.

Presented in English

Presented by Gideon Firl


Activity Code: 24122516

Participants will learn about cinematic sign language usage, especially with Deaf actors. Topics such as body language communication and the spirit of the message will be discussed in this workshop.

Presented in ASL

Presented by Becky Lloyd


Activity Code: 2307-1225-27

Participants will learn the basics of relational or interpersonal trauma and the effects of it. In addition they will learn the basics about TBRI® (Trust-based Relational Intervention®). TBRI® is an attachment- and evidenced-based trauma-informed intervention designed to meet the complex needs of all children who are vulnerable and children who have experienced trauma, neglect and/or abuse.

Presented by  Jerri Lynn-Cooper


Activity Code: 2307-1225-23

This workshop will demonstrate various communication modes (tactile signing, Print on Palm, signing modifications, basic protactile) used by individuals who have both hearing and vision loss. We will also discuss DeafBlind culture and how to interact appropriately with an individual who is DeafBlind.

Presented by Janet Moreno @deafmotherhood


Activity Code: 2307-1225-26

** Contact us directly for access to this workshop — **

Evangelism considered as now? Does it replace the traditional evangelism? Can Digital Evangelism be used for the Deaf community? What would be the difference between hearing VS Deaf? Come and find out!

Presented in ASL

Presented by Chad Entinger


Activity Code: 2307-1225-24

** Contact us directly for access to this workshop — **

In our DIY and Social Media world, lists, tips, tricks and cheats are everywhere.  During this time the staff of Deaf Missions will share resources and best practices in this rapid fire night of do’s, do not’s, favorites, challenges, and more.  Participants will laugh and learn as they hear tips on everything from interpreting music to funerals, receive lists of websites and vlogs, and hear stories of successes and fails.

Presented in ASL

Presented by Marvella Sellers


Activity Number: 2307-1225-21                     

D/HH Christians, Hearing Christians, Interpreters (ASL/traditional hearing interpreters and Deaf Interpreters, and members interested in liturgical settings and seeking how to interpret/use Biblically-centric creeds and the frozen text of Protestant/Angelician/Catholic denominations for whole-collect call of prayer in Deaf cultural methodology and honoring self-analysis as individual member and as a whole church.

Presented in ASL

Presented by Kari Analco


Activity Code: 2307-1225-22

This workshop will educate people about the significant of building and bridging trust within ministries and churches. This workshop will focus on “the five essentials of trust” developed by Dr. Henry Cloud- Understanding, Motive, Ability, Character, and Track Records. 

This workshop will aim to ensure the participants understand and gain tools to advocate for D&HH ministries and churches.

Presented in ASL

Presented by Marvella Sellers


Activity Code: 2307-1225-25

The speaker will instruct the Jewish worship and way of conversing from core scriptures from the book of Psalms, historical narratives to discourse with GOD that often has built in audiences/specific purposes chunks into the individual psalms.  This includes the different styles within the spectrum of direct conversation, lament, recognition and worship.  This parallels the Deaf*WAY different ways of conversing and worship - an element that often are considered as a performance  in modern church really should be a series of mediative restoration and direct conversations.  The key structure is to empower interpreters and DI/CDIs who are mature Christians to become instruments and provide a safe space for this type conversations to happen during worship.

Presented in ASL

Presented by Caio Lucio Ferreira Cascaes


Activity Code: 2307-1225-28

** Contact us directly for access to this workshop **

SLTT (Sign Language Translation Tool) Workshop - This session offers a tour of the app, an understanding of specific signs used in the context, and an overview of the tool's capabilities.

Presented in ASL