We are Sonshine Interpreting.

We are a national agency of Jesus-loving sign language interpreters passionate about equipping Deaf people for life and ministry and providing access to great ministry content like yours.

You want your message to reach as far as possible, into underserved communities.

Reach the Deaf community with a professional interpreter.

Chances are you don’t know ASL, you may not even be confident in what to say and not to say, you may be unsure about how to hire and WHO to hire that can provide the level of interpreting that matches the caliber of your speakers.

It is challenging to find an affordable ASL interpreter that is familiar with the content and represents the excellence and diversity of your speakers.

Unfortunately, too many churches and events have hurt their Deaf brothers and sisters by settling for a low-cost agency or no-cost friend or relative to interpret their events. They carefully crafted their message, but they didn't extend their care to those who could not hear the words.

Your message is too good to not be made accessible to the Deaf community.

When you provide great access, you are communicating “You are welcome here,” to the Deaf community and as Christ’s ambassadors you are representing Him as well as He welcomes the Deaf community to draw near and know Him.

"We provided access to the Deaf community as a step of faith, knowing that God was up to something. Little did we know that in our first year over 3,000 Deaf women were able to engage in the IF:Gathering. There is a clear need and thirst that we are honored to be a part of reaching."

Jennie Allen

“I used to think an interpreter was only for Deaf people. But now I know that it is actually for everyone in the room to benefit from the beauty of the language and the culture.”

Bob Goff

"Providing interpreters creates a bridge to all people. Without it, there's a road block that only certain people can go through."

Brandon Heath

Your message matters. We will provide professional ASL interpreters that are familiar with your content topics, love Jesus, and will make your guests feel welcomed.

  • 1. Understand Your Dream

    We will meet and listen to your vision and budget. We will choose the best interpreters that will reflect the diversity of your speakers while remaining within your budget. Sometimes requests for interpreters come at a surprise and the expense isn’t even in the budget. We have creative funding ideas for that too!

  • 2. Culturally Honoring Promotion

    We want everyone to know about what you are doing and help you promote your event to the Deaf community. We will help you create culturally honoring promotional copy, a room layout, and material to promote your event to the Deaf community, including written copy and video copy in ASL you can use on your social media platforms as well as Sonshine Interpreting’s channels.

  • 3. Welcome and Serve

    We provide excellent interpreters that make the Deaf community feel welcomed and served by you and your team. After the three steps we take with you, we are trusting the Lord for the last step.

  • 4. Eternal Impact

    You will have an eternal impact and will fulfill the call God has given you and to equip Deaf people for life and ministry. The impact you make to welcome the Deaf community will move beyond you and your event.